Intensive talks underway to negotiate one-month Gaza truce, sources report


An agreement between Israel and Hamas is being held up by their differences over how to bring a permanent end to the Gaza war. Mediation efforts by Qatar, Washington, and Egypt have focused on a phased approach to releasing Israeli hostages in exchange for a ceasefire, the release of Palestinian prisoners, and aid to Gaza. Hamas has refused to move forward with the plans until the future conditions of a permanent ceasefire are agreed upon. Both sides are speaking through mediators, not directly to each other.

US Middle East envoy Brett McGurk is in the region for discussions about releasing hostages and to support a longer “humanitarian pause.” Egypt is working to convince Hamas to accept a one-month truce followed by a permanent ceasefire, but Hamas is requesting guarantees for the second phase of the deal. Hamas is open to discussions but insists any agreement must be based on ending the aggression and the occupation’s pullout from Gaza.

Israel has reportedly offered to end the war if Hamas removes six senior leaders from Gaza, but Hamas has rejected the proposal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office declined to comment on the proposal or the negotiations. Israel’s offensive in Gaza has yet to eliminate Hamas’ senior leadership or its capacity to fight, despite causing significant destruction and casualties.

Israel has refused to discuss any end to the war that does not include Hamas being dismantled. Efforts are ongoing to secure the hostages’ release, and Qatar and Washington were instrumental in negotiating a truce in November that led to the release of hostages and Palestinian prisoners.

The talks have been described as intensive, and a deal could be agreed upon “at any minute.” Washington is increasing diplomatic pressure to end the violence, and Hamas is seeking guarantees that Israel will not restart the conflict. Before seriously discussing a long-term ceasefire, Hamas believes Israel wants to conclude its operations in Khan Younis, the southern city in Gaza that has seen intense offensive and fighting in recent weeks.


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