Faisal Vawda Raises Important Questions on the Judicial System


Justice Babar Sattar should clarify the allegations against him. I am a pro-army person and have not come by holding anyone’s feet.
Senator Faisal Vawda thanked MQM Pakistan and PPP for their support and said I am grateful for being elected as a senator independently. I am a pro-army person and have not compromised or sought forgiveness for my cases.
Speaking to a private TV channel, he said that I am pro-army and pro-selective judiciary. The good and honest judges among them are very respectable. I was in contact with Chief Justice Omar Ata Bandial, Justice Ayesha Malik, and Mansoor Ali Shah. Despite sitting on the axis of power, they were very polite and patient. They asked me questions fairly. Due to their one act, I resigned from the Senate seat.
Like the shameless others, I did not sit against Imran Khan, instead, I gave statements against Imran Khan. The three top honorable judges instilled a moral sense in me to return the seat. I have also seen judges who twist the law on six turns and create new laws just to favor themselves. I would like to criticize them for twisting six turns into nine and reverse nine. It is still happening. And I will continue to criticize today. Fight on this issue so that our judiciary moves towards number 149 and not head towards the 209th. When I joined the PTI fourteen or fifteen years ago, I was also idealistic, New Pakistan, new world, no corruption, but everything has changed. The mountain Khan Sahib taught us, we still remember.
If they have forgotten, they have forgotten. Faisal Vawda said I do not know Justice Babar Sattar personally. I think he is a better person or judge as his appointment was made during our government. But I heard a lot of bad things about him in my cabinet. Then I found out that we create lobbies. We make judges who are relatives, brothers-in-law, uncles, friends, and acquaintances. My criterion is that if someone is doing something very wrong, there will be some spark for which he is being accused. Inside our country, when you rub someone the wrong way, you will find out if there is any fire inside that person that you are rubbing. The cabinet was functioning, Babar Sattar’s name came up and criticisms started pouring in from all sides.
I said he did not give any judgment against us. In any case, the short story is, whether it is Babar Sattar or six judges, or whoever the honorable judges are, I only have three questions. Babar Sattar said someone is interfering. Is this conscience, these principles not woken up when the Nasla Tower was falling? If someone from the High Court, or Session Court was sitting there, it would matter. Let’s keep your talk in front of us. When a judge’s wife from the Session Court opened the head of a poor person. When violence was done to a poor girl, she was thrown on the road then it would matter to the High Court. In the same way, today those who are facing allegations of various things. We do not know if the allegations are against Babar Sattar, true or false. It is coming on social media that they are running a child trafficking ring. Whether they are the owners or citizens. If they are or not, they should clarify the matter. That is their job. A green card is given.
I was born there. I did not know whether I would be born in the village or in America. Second, when I gave up my citizenship, my children, my wife, my parents, my brothers and sisters were eligible. They had no connection with politics. No one was a citizen. So then I will question those who question my Pakistani identity. Faisal Vawda said you are calling PTI principled, where were your principles when you came on the shoulders in 2018. Check the KP cabinet along with CM Masood Khan that who is in contact with whom. The image that was created was created in the same way. The government is being run today, it is being run like this? Do not do that. Say if they are shameless and shameless, then we are also shameless and shameless. Say accept this. They said putting cameras is a bad thing. When a woman and a man inside the judicial system are saying that we are married while the ex-husband is saying we are not married. Raise questions here too. Stand up for conscience here too.
I am talking about the system inside the higher judiciary. From there a voice should have arisen? Who are the judges about to be appointed? You killed Mr. Bhutto. Forty years later, in the gallery, you told that Zia-ul-Haq had put a gun on the judge’s head. The judge broke the pen, stood up. Coming outside, you said they are killing me. You made Nasla Tower fall, you made the constitution tower fall. Why don’t you make it fall? Why not, as they have twenty houses of owners. That person will be in your arms. The judiciary has done billions of rupees of damage. Pay it. Every time you kill a judge by issuing stay orders. Pay it. Where is the minute to pay? Where is the system of reform?


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