Energy summit aims to change harmful cooking practices causing millions of annual deaths | Arts and Culture News


Cooking practices that are harmful result in the deaths of 3.7 million people every year, with children and women being the most vulnerable. An energy summit is scheduled to take place in Paris, aiming to reduce premature deaths worldwide, particularly in Africa, by raising funds to provide access to clean cooking methods.

Representatives from 50 countries will gather in Paris to discuss ways to help billions of people improve their kitchen habits to reduce the use of basic stoves and open fires, which produce deadly pollutants. The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that 2.3 billion people in 128 countries are exposed to harmful smoke when cooking with traditional methods.

Clean cooking methods, such as gas or electric cooking, could prevent 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year by 2030, equivalent to emissions from ships and planes. However, transitioning to clean cooking methods requires significant financial investment. The African Development Bank (ADB) plans to raise $4 billion to provide clean cooking access to 250 million Africans by 2030.

Switching to clean cooking methods would not only benefit health and the environment but also save time and money. The economic cost of women and girls spending time collecting fuel wood is estimated at $800 billion annually, with health costs reaching $1.4 trillion.

According to the IEA, investing in clean cooking methods is a cost-effective solution that would have a significant impact on health, emissions, and development. Financial support is crucial as many households in Africa cannot afford modern cookers or fuel. The IEA recommends strong leadership at the national level and grassroots efforts to change social norms surrounding cooking practices.


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