Educators in Peshawar encouraged to emphasize cultural diversity for children in Pakistan


Participants at an event in Peshawar on Sunday emphasized the importance of encouraging children to engage in various classroom activities to promote interfaith harmony, socialization, and appreciation for cultural and linguistic diversity. The event, titled ‘Love beyond faiths and cultures,’ was held at the IDEA School of Arts. The facility, which recently opened in the city, offers activities such as painting, music, physical fitness, and storytelling to inspire creativity and a sense of inclusivity in society.

Children from different minority and ethnic groups attended the event, which featured a series of activities aimed at fostering critical thinking, friendship, and cultural diversity appreciation. The event began with an ice-breaking activity where children introduced themselves, breaking down barriers and encouraging open communication. Other activities included throwing a ball to introduce someone to the group and engaging in art and music activities focused on peace and friendship.

The highlight of the event was the children’s colorful artworks symbolizing harmony among different cultures and faiths. The event ended with a balloon friendship exchange, where children released balloons with their names into the air and caught someone else’s balloon – a gesture of friendship and community bonding.

Parents and organizers praised the event for bringing children from diverse backgrounds together to learn, celebrate diversity, and promote peace and understanding in the community. Organizer Wagma Feroz highlighted the importance of such events in fostering inclusivity and harmony, stating that it is her duty as a peace activist to contribute to promoting peace and understanding.


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