Discussing Tate: Exploring the ‘manosphere’ in Australian schools | Women’s Rights News


Australian schools are facing a growing influence of misogynistic views brought in by young fans of “manfluencers” like Andrew Tate, who is currently facing serious charges. In response, the government is offering $2.3 million in grants to tackle harmful gender stereotypes perpetuated online.
A recent study by Monash University found that students were openly expressing “male supremacist” views in classrooms, leading some teachers to quit their jobs. To address this issue, former teacher turned lecturer Barnes has developed guidelines for discussing these toxic ideas with students.
Despite facing charges of rape and other crimes, Tate continues to attract millions of followers online. Author Tyson Yunkaporta warns of the spread of misinformation by figures like Tate, emphasizing the need for educators to be aware of their influence.
While much attention has been on Tate, these harmful ideologies are not new to Australia, which has long struggled with sexism and gendered violence. Recent efforts to address these issues have faced resistance, with some politicians even glorifying figures like Tate.
Campaigners like Sharna Bremner are pushing for evidence-based programs to combat misogyny and gendered violence, but acknowledge there is still a long way to go. Barnes suggests that these important conversations should take place in social studies classes, but notes that these subjects are often under-resourced in the Australian curriculum.


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