Book Shelf – Express Urdu


Name of the book: “Buloogh al-Maraam/New Edition (Two Volumes) by Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Pages: 1138, Publisher: Dar al-Islam International, Lower Mall, Near Secretariat Stop, Lahore. Contact: 042-37324034.

Book Review: “Buloogh al-Maraam min Adillat al-Ahkaam” by Abul Fadl Hafiz Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Asqalani is an unparalleled book. In the series of scholars of Hadith, a prominent name in the 9th century Hijri is Amir al-Mu’minin fi al-Hadeeth Shihab al-Din Abu al-Fadl Ahmed ibn Ali ibn Muhammad, known as Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, who has been given the title of Hafiz al-Mashriq wal-Maghrib by his contemporaries. He was a great commentator, scholar, jurist, historian, and linguist.

His book Buloogh al-Maraam is a masterpiece in the jurisprudence based on Hadith evidence, which has been famous in Islamic circles worldwide for centuries. This book is concise in size but unparalleled in comprehensiveness and usefulness. This compilation of issues and rulings is extremely important and valuable for scholars and students alike. The Urdu translation of this famous book is now in the hands of readers. Although hundreds of translations of this book have been published, this translation is unique and different from all previous translations.

The first uniqueness of this translation is that it has been done by the renowned historian Maulana Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri. The other special feature of this book is that under each Hadith, first a lexical explanation has been provided, followed by an explanation under the title of the obtained words, so that the clarification of each Hadith and the understanding of the derived rulings can be made easy. Brief life histories of the narrators have also been included.

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani has skillfully deliberated the style of the jurists of Hadith in this book, making each issue clear through Prophetic traditions. Scholars say that for a general Muslim to act upon the rules of Sharia, choosing a book that is concise, easy to understand, arranged according to jurisprudential chapters, provides complete guidance on all matters, and can be implemented without any doubt or mental reservation would be best served by Buloogh al-Maraam.

Book Title: “Abwaab al-Sarf” Author: Dar al-Islam Research Center, Pages: 508, Price: 1530 rupees, Publisher: Dar al-Islam International, Lower Mall, Near Secretariat Stop, Lahore. Contact: 042-37324034.

Arabic language holds significance for Muslims due to its association with the Quran and Sunnah. Mastery of Arabic grammar is essential to understand the nuances of the Quran and Sunnah, as well as to learn other Islamic sciences.

Book Title: “Abwaab al-Sarf” Author: Dar al-Islam Research Center, Pages: 508, Price: 1530 rupees, Publisher: Dar al-Islam International, Lower Mall, Near Secretariat Stop, Lahore. Contact: 042-37324034

Arabic holds importance for Muslims primarily because it is the language of the Quran and Sunnah. The correct understanding of the Quran and Sunnah cannot be achieved until one gains familiarity with the Arabic language, and learning any language requires a basic understanding of its grammar.

The two fundamental subjects of Arabic grammar are known as “Nahw” and “Sarf.” “Sarf” deals with the variations of words. In Sarf, various forms of words are created from a single root. Forms such as singular, dual, plural, masculine, feminine, address, absence, active participle, passive participle, instruments, and comparative forms, along with their modifications, fall under the science of “Sarf.”

This science is adopted in a separate manner. The book “Abwaab al-Sarf” is exceptional in that regard. The book provides a simplified explanation of the rules of Sarf, making it beneficial for scholars and students.

The first individuality of this translation is that it has been rendered by renowned historian Maulana Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri. Another remarkable feature of the book is that for each Hadith, a lexical explanation is provided, followed by an explanation under the title of the obtained words, making the clarification of each Hadith and the understanding of the derived rulings easier. Brief life histories of the narrators have also been included.

In this manner, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani has brilliantly used the method of the Hadith scholars in this book, elucidating each issue through Prophetic traditions. Scholars have remarked that for an average Muslim to act upon the rules of Sharia, selecting a book that is concise, easy to follow, organized according to jurisprudential chapters, provides complete guidance on all matters, and can be acted upon without any hesitation or mental reservation, Buloogh al-Maraam would be the most suitable choice.


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