BISP initiates distribution of quarterly installment of Benazir Kafaalat program


The Benazir Income Support (BISP) has commenced the disbursement of the quarterly tranche (October–December) of Benazir Kafaalat cash assistance to beneficiaries nationwide. The payment process has started in all provinces as well as Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. Each household will receive Rs. 8500, benefiting around nine million registered families. Beneficiaries with complaints can reach out to BISP Tehsil offices or call the toll-free helpline number 080026477. A special control room has been set up at BISP headquarters to address complaints promptly. Beneficiaries can also contact BISP via WhatsApp on designated numbers, and should be aware that messages will only be sent from 8171. Chairperson Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib has instructed officials to ensure smooth and respectful disbursement of Kafaalat payments without any deductions. He has also emphasized the program’s commitment to timely and transparent payment of Kafaalat stipends. Dr. Saqib urged employees to recognize the rights of needy women, uplift poor families, and promote technical skills and small businesses for poverty alleviation. The Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) program, also known as “Benazir Kafaalat Programme”, is the core initiative of BISP and is the largest single cash transfer program in Pakistan’s history.


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