In Karachi, a robber arrested by the police has revealed that his son is in America while his daughter is studying medicine. The suspect, who was arrested by the Clifton Investigative Police, confessed during interrogation that he used to wear police uniform, put on a mask on his face, and commit robberies at food chains and medical stores. He also mentioned that his son is in America while his daughter is pursuing medical education.
The suspect informed the police that he had stolen a police officer’s motorcycle and bought weapons from Quetta. To evade the police, he had adopted a disguise similar to that of a police officer. The arrested suspect Sheryar mentioned that he had separated from his wife and lost his father and brother.
He further stated that after committing robberies, he used to travel to Lahore and return to continue his criminal activities once he ran out of money. The suspect also disclosed that he had been arrested previously in 2008 for the murder of a police officer in Ferozabad area and had served his sentence.
The police apprehended the suspect with the help of hotel CCTV footage, which traced his record back to Lahore. The police team then traveled to Lahore and arrested the suspect.