Anticipating China’s ‘Two Sessions’ amidst economic challenges and political intrigue | Politics News


The “Two Sessions” in China kicked off in Beijing on Monday with the meeting of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). This annual event brings together China’s political elite, as well as leaders in business, tech, media, and the arts. The NPC is China’s highest legislative body with nearly 3,000 members representing various regions and organizations, while the CPPCC is a political advisory body that functions as a public relations exercise.

During the Two Sessions, legislators will approve new laws, political appointments, and government work reports detailing departmental progress. Premier Li Qiang is expected to set an economic growth target of about 5 percent for 2024 and discuss key issues such as China’s lagging economy, future tech regulation, and AI development. Notable appointments may also be made, including replacements for 11 members of the NPC Standing Committee.

While the NPC is often criticized as a “rubber stamp” parliament due to its limited debate and approval of premade decisions, it still plays a significant role in shaping legislation. Delegates can provide input on issues like the national budget and submit individual bills calling for action on important matters. The CPPCC, on the other hand, serves as a platform for elite networking and policy advice, aligning different actors on common causes and spreading Chinese influence.

Despite the dominance of the Communist Party of China (CCP) over these institutions, there are various interest groups and networks at play within the political structure. Non-party individuals and groups, such as advocates for women’s rights and environmentalists, can have an impact on the lawmaking process, although their influence is constrained by the party’s monopoly on state power.


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