Monthly Archives: June, 2024

Blasphemy Killings or Witch Trials? Barbarism or Religion? Pakistan’s Difficult & Painful Challenge!

Burning of a man in Swat, reminds world of the medieval era witch trials...

Bold & Powerful Order by Chief Justice High Court Against ISI & Police Officers to save Pakistan?

Chief Justice Lahore High Court has written a bold and powerful order against officers...

Indian RAW kills Pakistani Brigadier? Dangerous Crossing of Red Lines; Will ISI hit back?

Brig Ali Hamza’s assassination near Lila Interchange, Jehlum, Punjab, is being discussed in Indian...

Has China Downgraded its Relationship with Pakistan’s Military Establishment? Why? What China Wants?

Diplomat Article, “Is China Souring on Pakistan?” written by a Pakistani origin scholar points...

Ex-RAW Chief with Karan Thappar & Regime Change in Pakistan? IK approves Achakzai Talks with PMLN?

Ex-RAW Chief Amarjit Singh Daulat, interesting comments, in Karan Thappar Interview, help us understand...

Strategy of Fear Against ATC Judges Means Collapse of the State, But Nizam Din does not Understand?

Strategy of fear against Judges means total collapse of the state, but Ch. Nizam...

Why Supreme Court Forcing Imran Khan to Negotiate with Sharif Zardari Regime? Will this work? How?

Why Supreme Court is forcing Imran Khan and PTI to directly negotiate with Sharif...

Bushra Bibi will be Released before Eid? Will India & Pakistan start talking soon?

Will Bushra Bibi be released from Adiala Jail before Eid? Why it looks likely?...

China Gives Shut Up Call to Nizam Din & Shahbaz Sharif? Why China doesn’t trust Pakistan anymore?

Has Chinese leadership given a shut up call to Shahbaz Sharif and his team?...

Why Naming PTI as “Tehreek Insaf” was Imran Khan’s Great Vision? Nawaz Sharif Jokes?

Travelling across the United States and observing Americans of all colours and races busy...

Why Undeclared Martial Law Represents Collapse of Gen. Kayani Doctrine? Death of Pakistani Courts?

Imran Khan told Supreme Court that, “they have imposed UnDeclared Martial Law” - I...

Latest articles

Blasphemy Killings or Witch Trials? Barbarism or Religion? Pakistan’s Difficult & Painful Challenge!

Burning of a man in Swat, reminds world of the medieval era witch trials...

Bold & Powerful Order by Chief Justice High Court Against ISI & Police Officers to save Pakistan?

Chief Justice Lahore High Court has written a bold and powerful order against officers...

Indian RAW kills Pakistani Brigadier? Dangerous Crossing of Red Lines; Will ISI hit back?

Brig Ali Hamza’s assassination near Lila Interchange, Jehlum, Punjab, is being discussed in Indian...

Has China Downgraded its Relationship with Pakistan’s Military Establishment? Why? What China Wants?

Diplomat Article, “Is China Souring on Pakistan?” written by a Pakistani origin scholar points...