وزیراعلیٰ بلوچستان: ہر گاڑی میں مسافروں کی حفاظت کیلیے ایک اہلکار ہوگا


Quetta: The Chief Minister of Balochistan has said that to ensure the safety of travelers, there will be a security officer in every vehicle, and buses will also be checked at check posts.

According to details, the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Sardar Bugti, held a meeting with a delegation of transporters representatives to discuss their concerns and issues.

The Chief Minister assured the transporters of resolving their legitimate issues and emphasized that anti-smuggling operations will continue, and joint check posts and vehicle checking will be maintained.

He stated that while protesting is a constitutional right of every citizen, blocking highways is an illegal act, and if people are inconvenienced by road closures, the law will intervene.

He also mentioned that security and police officers will not be involved in anti-smuggling operations. The Chief Minister directed the Interior Department to ensure that passenger buses are not stopped for more than 15 to 20 minutes at joint check posts.

The provincial government has also decided to appoint a security officer in every vehicle for the protection of travelers.


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