ہسپتال نے ڈاکٹر کی ہدایت پر ڈیٹا میں تبدیلی کے باعث تمام ٹرانسپلانٹ آپریشنز معطل کر دیے


A hospital in Texas has halted its liver and kidney transplant programs in the United States after a doctor’s revelation of altering records of transplant candidates.
According to the American media, Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center issued a statement saying that inappropriate changes made by a doctor at the hospital have rendered inactive candidates on the liver transplant waiting list.
The Medical Center stated that the doctor admitted to changing the patient’s records. The doctor is identified as transplant surgeon Dr. Jay-Steve Byun Jr.
Dr. Jay-Steve has been leading the Abdominal Transplant Program at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston since 2011. After identifying irregularities in the standards of liver donor recipients, the hospital halted the liver transplant program this month. Issues were found in the data entered in the database of patients and organ donors.
According to the statement, the American Department of Health and Human Services is aware of these allegations and has initiated an investigation.


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