لیاقت باغ: ایکسپریس اردو کی رپورٹ


When blind bullets rained down on the crowd at the Undeclared Front meeting, history forgot. Our national misfortune is that we teach our new generation a distorted version of history, where the truths and facts are not told, or in other words, the social or national mistakes that have been made are swept under the rug.

No mention is made of them, but when the situation is like this, how will we or our new generation learn from our own history or our mistakes? Therefore, in order to correct our history, it is necessary for us to educate our nation and our generation about the real facts. Otherwise, hidden truths will speak for themselves, saying that history is unforgiving and does not spare anyone. How long will we continue to hide our real and authentic history? Therefore, it is necessary to avoid written and taught history that is self-made and based on thought and understanding.

In short, on one side, on March 23, 1940, in Lahore, the All India Muslim League held its 27th session, and in this session, a historic resolution was passed in which the Muslim League declared a political agenda for the future self-governing state of the Indian Muslims.

Therefore, the United Democratic Front decided to hold a large gathering to dispel this accusation and impression. All parties should try to engage as many people as possible in this meeting so that they can be informed and the truth can be revealed to them, that what is happening with you and what is being done, is not the fault of Punjab or Punjabis. But we stand in solidarity with your fellow comrades and sympathizers.

Therefore, every party’s leadership had made arrangements to ensure that a large number of people would participate in this meeting. People’s Party members and sympathizers have started beating up those who were alone. Therefore, the situation became chaotic and people started rushing here and there, and there was gunfire from all sides.

The leadership of the United Democratic Front, along with affected individuals, expressed sympathy, comfort, and solidarity, and did not go to the people affected by the masses, the wounded, and the prisoners.

In order to avoid this situation, and take lessons from it, it is necessary to educate ourselves and our new generation from the real history of our country and to avoid repeating the mistakes of our rulers and powerful forces in the past.


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