قاضی فیصل کا فیصلہ: کسی بھی طرح جیل سے باہر نہیں آئے گا، فیصل واوڈا


When discussing the conduct of judges, no one should feel uncomfortable, as it is a conversation. Photo: File

Islamabad: Senator Faisal Vawda has said that the public is the one who suffers in the fighting between institutions. He said in a TV interview that when we talk about the conduct of judges to the nation, no one should feel uncomfortable. The words of good people will be heard, and those with flaws will also be talked about. It is necessary to inform the nation about those whose files are stained.
Discussing the decision to release Imran Khan in the Saifur Rehman case, he said it is all happening under a plan. If you think someone will come out of jail, they will not come out, you will keep catching, they will keep releasing. There will come a time when everyone will be caught together for their actions.
My birthdate is on the 21st of October, write down 18, 20, and 21 as the numbers you have. When asked about the meaning of these numbers, he refused to give any explanation but said this digit is a big relevant digit; it will come in handy for you. The courts are still not providing justice for the poor, the orphans, the widows, or the victims of rape.
There are cases worth 2700 billion, but political cases are progressing very slowly. Until the justice system is fixed, Pakistan will not be fixed. In my opinion, Sunni Council or PTI cannot get specific seats because there are many legal complexities involved. Compared to the Panama case, the Saifur case is very ordinary.
The establishment also needs to play its role because they have taken an oath to protect us from enemies, but there is nothing in the constitution stating whether the enemy will be at the border or inside.


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