روزانہ ہزاروں ڈالرز کی قیمت کا سونا اگنے والا پہاڑ کا آتش فشاں


Although it may seem like a dream, it is true. The Erebus volcano in Antarctica is raining small pieces of gold every day, with each piece valued at $6000. Satellite images show a lake beneath Mount Erebus that has been boiling since 1972. The volcano regularly spews out gas and steam, partially ejecting melted stones. When the gas rapidly exits, small pieces of gold also spread in the sky and fall to the ground like rain. According to scientists, the volcano produces approximately 80 grams of gold in one day, worth about $6000. These pieces of gold fall hundreds of miles from Mount Erebus. Researchers in Antarctica have identified a dust or mist of gold particles in the atmosphere around 621 miles away from the volcano. According to a 2017 study, there are 138 volcanoes in Antarctica, with approximately nine of them being active, including Mount Erebus, which is the most famous. Discovered in 1841, this mountain stands at a height of 12,448 feet (3,794 meters) and is one of three volcano mountains that form Ross Island in Antarctica. The Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory, managed by the United States, continues to monitor the volcano and sends expeditions to search for signs of life. The observatory is located about 25 miles south of Mount Erebus.


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