تمام غزہ کے الشفا ہسپتال کے آئی سی یو میں اسرائیلی حملے میں مرنے والے مریض


Image: Reuters

Gaza: Due to Israel’s prevention of medical aid, all patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza have died.

The director of the hospital confirmed that Israeli forces had besieged the hospital and prevented the supply of medical supplies (medicines, fuel, etc.), resulting in the death of all ICU patients.

According to Al Jazeera, the hospital director further stated that there are currently 7,000 patients in the hospital who are not being allowed to leave, and this could be the cause of death for some patients in the coming hours. He also mentioned that 55 people have died since the Israeli siege of the hospital.

Furthermore, under Hamas rule, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that 24 patients in Al Shifa Hospital have died in the past two days due to power outages. Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said, “During the last 48 hours, 24 patients have died in various departments due to power outages.”

Details show that nearly 5,000 children have been killed in Gaza due to Israeli atrocities, while 38 media personnel, 48 journalists, and 202 medical personnel have also died. Additionally, a telecommunications company reported that the transportation system in Gaza has collapsed due to a lack of fuel for the generators.

On the other hand, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the situation in Gaza’s hospitals is extremely critical due to Israeli attacks, fuel, and other medical supply shortages.


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