What is the reason behind the EU’s sanctions on Indian and Chinese companies with links to Russia? | Updates on the Russia-Ukraine conflict


On the eve of the two-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Union unveiled a comprehensive list of companies, entities, and individuals from various countries, including Russia, India, Iran, China, and Syria, that were being sanctioned for their alleged connections to Russia’s defense and security sector. This latest round of sanctions added 27 new entities to the existing list of over 600 entities that were already facing EU bans and restrictions.

Notably, this round of sanctions included companies from mainland China and India for the first time, targeting entities in countries that have been major buyers of Russian fossil fuels since the conflict in Ukraine began in February 2022. These sanctions are intended to send a strong message of disapproval from the EU and serve as a reminder to countries hosting these entities, like China and India, of the potential for further consequences.

In addition to Russian entities, a handful of companies from other countries have also faced sanctions, including those from Iran, Hong Kong, mainland China, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates, and other nations. These foreign companies have been targeted for allegedly exporting dual-use goods to Russia, which could be used in its military actions against Ukraine.

The EU sanctions prohibit member states from selling battlefield or dual-use goods to the entities on the sanctions list, making it more challenging for these companies to interact with the outside world. While the impact on these third-country entities may be limited for now, the sanctions serve as a symbolic gesture of disapproval and a warning of potential further actions if necessary.

China, in response to the sanctions, condemned them as unilateral and lacking basis in international law, warning of negative consequences for China-EU economic and trade relations. However, experts believe that the impact of these sanctions on China is primarily symbolic, affecting only a few microtechnology companies.

One of the newly sanctioned entities is Si2 Microsystems Pvt Ltd, based in India, which designs integrated circuits for various industries, including military and space sectors. It is suspected of facilitating semiconductor shipments to Russia, contributing to the development of modern weapons systems.

Overall, the EU’s sanctions are part of Regulation 833/2014, which prohibits the sale, supply, transfer, or export of dual-use goods and technology to Russia. The latest amendments to this regulation target entities from various countries, reflecting the EU’s ongoing efforts to pressure Russia and its allies. Russia has responded by expanding its own list of EU officials and politicians banned from entering the country, criticizing the EU’s actions as futile attempts at coercion.


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