Underdog Candidate Robert F Kennedy Reveals Vice President Selection | Political Updates


Robert F Kennedy Jr, a long-shot candidate for the United States presidency, recently announced his running mate to be Nicole Shanahan, a California tech-industry lawyer and philanthropist. Kennedy, the son of the late Attorney General Robert Kennedy, introduced Shanahan at a rally in Oakland, California, describing her as battle-tested and capable of withstanding criticism. Despite facing criticism for his campaign and controversial views, Kennedy remains a distant challenger in the 2024 presidential race, where Donald Trump and Joe Biden are expected to have a rematch.

Shanahan, a political newcomer from the San Francisco Bay Area, is an ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin and a longtime Democratic donor. She brings a wealth of experience in artificial intelligence and Silicon Valley to the ticket. Shanahan spoke about her upbringing and how it shaped her political convictions, emphasizing the importance of government assistance and wealth redistribution.

Before being named as Kennedy’s vice presidential pick, Shanahan played a key role in creating a Super Bowl advertisement for his campaign, which attracted controversy for evoking the legacy of President John F Kennedy. The selection of Shanahan as Kennedy’s running mate is expected to boost fundraising efforts ahead of the general elections.

While President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris made a joint appearance at a rally, Trump has yet to announce his running mate. Speculation abounds about potential candidates, including former rivals Tim Scott and Marco Rubio. Notably absent from the list is Mike Pence, who publicly criticized Trump and described him as a threat to the Republican Party.


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