UN Warns that Climate Hazards are Jeopardizing Farm Production


A joint report released by the United Nations and Asian Development Bank warns of increasing climate hazards that will have severe impacts on agriculture, labor productivity, livelihoods, and human displacement. The report calls for transformative change through integrated approaches that can advance climate action and address poverty and hunger.

The report emphasizes the need for integrated responses to address the interlinkages between climate, poverty, and food insecurity. By bringing together climate action, poverty alleviation, and hunger initiatives, transformative change can be achieved to unlock synergies and guide decision-making for effective implementation.

Furthermore, the report highlights the uneven distribution of climate impacts, with poorer countries and populations with low coping capacity bearing the brunt of increased poverty and food insecurity. Integrated responses are crucial to build resilience among vulnerable populations, including women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities, and indigenous groups.

Sustainable food systems are also highlighted as a key solution to providing food security and nutrition to the region’s growing population while supporting the livelihoods of farmers and reducing environmental and climate impacts. The report stresses that food insecurity and poverty can exacerbate climate change impacts, pandemics, forced displacement, and hinder human development and economic opportunities, especially in conflict-affected areas.


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