HomeCurrent Affair VlogsSupreme Court & Military Courts: Shameless Surrender?

Supreme Court & Military Courts: Shameless Surrender?

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Another tragic day for Pakistan when country’s Supreme Court, in what can only be described as a Faustian Bargain, destroyed the fundamental rights of the people won through the struggle by political activists, media and lawyers without the slightest intention to reflect on its implications for the future of the state and society!
Words fail me as I attempt describing Pakistan’s predicament. I suspect it’s easy to blame generals, bureaucrats and judges – but their greed, selfishness and failures are only part of the story. Bigger failure is mental and cerebral of ideas. I suspect Pakistani intelligentsia has no clear vision of future. No wonder many in the media, legal community and politics think all what’s happening as a struggle against Imran Khan and PTI. They don’t realise that moral fabric of society is collapsing at a huge pace and we don’t know it’s consequences!

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