Suicide bombing attack in Peshawar, including Commander of CPEC Security Unit and four police officers disabled


After investigating the suicide attack on a Chinese convoy in the Besham area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the federal government has suspended four senior officers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police and the Commander of the CPEC Security Unit. According to details, the federal government issued orders for the suspension of the four senior officers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police for negligence in handling the investigation of the suicide attack on the Chinese engineers’ bus in Besham. Among those suspended is the DIG Hazara as well. In addition, due to inadequate security arrangements, the commander of the CPEC Security Unit, Zafar Ali, has been removed from his position, along with two other officers of Grade B. The federal government has issued a notification for the suspension of these officers for a period of four months and has also requested a detailed report from the KP police for further action against other officers involved in the incident.


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