South Africa works to halt auction of valuable Nelson Mandela artifacts | Latest News on Nelson Mandela


The South African government is in opposition to an auction of items that belonged to Nelson Mandela, as they believe the artefacts are of historical significance and should remain preserved in the country. The 75 items, which include Mandela’s iconic Ray-Ban sunglasses, personal letters from prison, and gifts from world leaders, are set to be auctioned off in a deal between Mandela’s family and a New York-based auctioneer. Despite the government’s appeal to halt the auction, the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has given the go-ahead for the auction to proceed.

The auction has stirred up controversy and debate on social media in South Africa, with many expressing their disapproval of what they consider to be the auctioning off of the nation’s cultural heritage. However, Mandela’s daughter Makaziwe stated that the proceeds from the auction will be used to build the Mandela Memorial Garden in Qunu, the village where he is buried, and to benefit the economic development of the former Transkei region where Mandela was born and raised.

At the same time, the planned auction has come at a time when many African countries are seeking the return of treasured African artworks and artefacts that were removed from the continent during colonial years. This effort includes recent deals between Nigeria and Germany for the return of the Benin Bronzes and the return of the Abomey Treasures from France to present-day Benin. The controversy surrounding the auction of Mandela’s items reflects a larger global discussion on the repatriation and preservation of cultural heritage.


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