Rights advocates call for halt to Haiti deportations amid ongoing unrest | Migration News


Advocates for human rights are urging countries in the Americas, such as the United States and the Dominican Republic, to cease deporting migrants and asylum seekers to Haiti due to the increase in gang violence and political turmoil in the region. They emphasize the need for safe spaces for displaced Haitians and asylum seekers, calling for a complete halt to deportations by land, sea, or air.

The surge in violence and unrest in Haiti has resulted in widespread displacement, with over 360,000 Haitians forced from their homes. Despite this crisis, neighboring countries have continued to deport migrants back to Haiti, a practice that has increased by 46% in recent months.

Humanitarian organizations and the United Nations have urged countries to protect Haitians and cease forced returns, highlighting the dangers faced by those being sent back. Rights groups have specifically called out the Dominican Republic for its discriminatory deportation practices targeting Haitians and Black individuals, urging an end to these policies.

Additionally, advocacy groups are calling on the Biden administration to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitian nationals in the US, providing them with protection from deportation. However, officials have indicated that there are no current plans to redesignate Haiti for TPS, raising concerns among advocates.

As the US prepares for a presidential election, immigration remains a contentious issue. The Biden administration’s policy of returning intercepted Haitian migrants at sea has faced criticism, with rights groups calling for an end to these removals to prevent further destabilization of Haiti.


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