An Iranian teenager named Armita Garawand has passed away after spending a month in a coma following an incident on Tehran’s metro, according to local media reports. The 16-year-old student, who belonged to the ethnic Kurd community, was admitted to a hospital in Tehran after losing consciousness while on the metro. Her case was initially brought to attention by the rights group Hengaw, which stated that she had sustained critical injuries during an incident on the underground train network. While authorities have claimed that her sudden drop in blood pressure was the cause of her condition and denied any physical or verbal altercations, human rights organizations have alleged that she was assaulted by members of Iran’s morality police. This incident follows the death of Mahsa Amini, another young Iranian Kurd who passed away after being arrested by the morality police for breaking Iran’s strict dress code for women. Doctors who treated Garawand stated that she had suffered brain damage, convulsions, a decline in brain oxygen, and cerebral edema due to a fall and a subsequent drop in blood pressure.