Punjab aur Molana – Express Urdu


Nowadays, the leaders of the Islamic scholars are fully involved in the current political scenario, and have become the center of public attention. Playing a key role in removing the government from power, Maulana Fazlur Rahman is still actively translating the true meaning of public emotions and disrupting the current government.

In the national politics as the head of the PDM, their political insight, understanding of issues, strategic power, and organization of workers have not only been recognized by political forces but also non-political powers. They have a taste for protest politics and are well-versed in the art of it.

It is unfortunate that after the demise of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan, due to the leadership crisis, establishment entered Pakistani politics, leading to the beginning of anti-establishment politics. As the establishment’s influence in politics grew, so did the popularity of anti-establishment rhetoric. However, due to immature political leadership’s unreasonable views, this rhetoric ended up aligning with the establishment. With the advent of the PTI government and the elections on 8th February, both major parties, PML-N and PPP, have become part of the establishment’s team.

On the other hand, the PTI slogan is seen as anti-establishment, but they also want to make deals with them. Maulana’s stance against rigging in the 2024 elections and choosing the field instead of parliament has given a dignified and serious look to the anti-establishment politics. They respect national institutions but demand in strong words that everyone should stay within their limits. If this plan is implemented, everything will be fine, and the country will once again be on the path of progress.

In the past, PDM’s participation with two major non-democratic parties led Maulana to focus his efforts on medical treatment, which the public is accepting. Serious political workers from all parties have their views on Maulana and are curious about his next steps.

Maulana has become the leader of all major parties in the country. Even Imran Khan, his worst political enemy, is instructing his team to repeatedly contact Maulana. However, some leaders of PTI and the social media trolls have nothing but hatred for Maulana. Therefore, before forming an alliance with PTI, Maulana will have to think a hundred times, because this unnatural alliance could prove to be disastrous. Otherwise, his worst enemy could enter the corridors of power, and a new chapter may begin.

Among all political parties, PML-N is the only party that will naturally align with Maulana and will be easy to accept for both party workers. However, since Sheen was removed from Noon, Nawaz Sharif’s statement has been buried. But the majority of the public is still standing with their leadership and with the PTI seemingly stuck, the party is now looking for support, possibly aiming for alliances with the JUI-F and creating a united front against Maulana.

Before this, Muslim League-Nawaz and PPP have already worked with PTI, so in my opinion, it is better for Maulana to join forces with PTI and establish his activities in Punjab. This is because the workers of the PML-N are not willing to follow Sheen’s statement, and the hearts of the PML-N workers are filled with respect and reverence for Maulana. They are ready to chant ‘Labbayk’ in support of Maulana.

If Maulana can win over the workers of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, then he won’t need anyone else. However, this could mean avoiding an alliance with PTI and dodging the clutches of Tehreek-e-Insaf, as their alliance on stage may keep the workers of the Noon League away.

To play a significant role in the country’s politics, it is imperative to activate the party in Punjab. Therefore, Maulana should not miss this opportunity. The organizers of the union council need to be organized at the union council level, and if Maulana focuses on Punjab, he can make an unexpected comeback in Pakistani politics. No movement can succeed until Punjab wakes up.

This time, Maulana must move forward by taking the knowledge of awakening Punjab. He started with the recent press conference, where he addressed the people of Punjab and made it clear that they need to recognize that just voting for their true representatives in elections is not enough. The people of Punjab will have to understand that to change this exhausted system, sacrifices will have to be made, whether it’s going to jail or to the grave, but they will have to liberate their future generations.

Maulana has already expressed his power in Balochistan, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Now it’s time for Punjab. However, a counter-policy is being implemented to sabotage Maulana’s protest movement. It is possible that in the coming days, campaigns of character assassination against Maulana or his close associates may begin. Mud will be slung, statements will be twisted to confuse the public, and this manipulation has already started.

In a press conference in Multan, an answer to a journalist’s question was twisted by a private TV channel, giving the impression that Maulana had called Imran Khan a Jewish agent. However, Maulana still stands by that statement. In my opinion, this was the first attack by the media on Maulana’s protest movement to weaken his stance by associating him with controversial statements.

This was the first attack, but it will not be the last, and Maulana must be prepared for further such attacks. As Maulana understands, the media in a press conference responded to journalists by saying, “It is a journalistic and ethical obligation to convey to the nation what I say. Attributing your or someone else’s desires to me will be dishonest.” In the end, I urge the influential and politicians of this country to have mercy on the country and begin a new day by owning up to their mistakes and staying within their constitutional limits.


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