PTI’s virtual gathering causes disruption to social media platforms in Pakistan, says Netblocks


A nationwide disruption in social media platforms in Pakistan was reported by the internet monitor Netblocks on Sunday night. The disruption occurred during a virtual gathering organized by the PTI party. Users experienced difficulty accessing platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube in cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) did not respond to requests for a comment, and the PTI party called the disruption an “expected move.” This disruption was condemned by lawyer and activist Jibran Nasir, who criticized the impact on millions of subscribers and businesses. Additionally, activist Usama Khilji criticized the violation of Pakistani citizens’ right to access information and freedom of association. This is not the first time that Pakistan has faced internet restrictions, with a previous suspension of mobile broadband and other social media restrictions following the arrest of PTI chief Imran Khan. In a report by Surfshark, Pakistan ranked third in the world for imposing internet restrictions in the first half of 2023, behind Iran and India. The report highlights that Asia has been the focal point of most internet shutdowns.


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