PTI backers employ two influential lobbyists in US – Pakistan relations


PTI supporters have enlisted two lobbyists in the United States to garner support from pro-democracy forces and alleviate domestic pressure. Stephen Payne and Logan Somera are the lobbyists involved. The agreement specifies that FDP is funded by US citizens within the Pakistani diaspora and “is not supervised, owned, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized by a government or foreign political party.” However, it acknowledges that “FDP’s work may benefit a foreign political party as its goal is to support the interests of PTI, a political party from Pakistan.” The agreement’s initial term is 45 days, beginning on Jan 16 and ending on March 1, 2024, but it can be renewed. The compensation for the consultant’s work is listed as an “upfront payment of $50,000.” PTI and its supporters have hired consultants and lobbyists in the United States in the past as well. It was reported that Mr. Payne, a Republican lobbyist, was hired to provide “strategic consulting services in support of Pakistan’s diplomatic goals” in the United States, and had many successes in helping Pakistan negotiate a five-year, $3 billion aid package from the United States, coordinated the removal of economic and military sanctions imposed on Pakistan, and secured the country the prestigious Major Non-Nato Ally status.


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