Press freedom organization reports that lawmaker was refused entry into Hong Kong | Updates on Press Freedom


Reporters Without Borders has reported that their advocacy officer was detained for six hours before being deported from Hong Kong. The officer, Aleksandra Bielakowska, was denied entry to the city and deported after being searched and questioned, the press freedom organization said. This occurred while she was trying to observe the trial of media tycoon Jimmy Lai.

RSF’s director of campaigns, Rebecca Vincent, expressed outrage at the treatment of their colleague and called for an explanation from the Hong Kong authorities. She emphasized the need for transparency in Lai’s trial, noting the implications for press freedom globally.

Lai, the founder of Apple Daily, is currently on trial under national security charges imposed by Beijing. The case has drawn criticism from rights groups, highlighting the diminishing rights and freedoms in Hong Kong under China’s control.

Hong Kong’s recent implementation of more national security legislation has further restricted dissent and media freedom in the city. Several pro-democracy outlets have been forced to shut down, and international media organizations have raised concerns about the safety of their staff in Hong Kong.

In RSF’s press freedom index, Hong Kong’s ranking has significantly declined in recent years, reflecting the worsening media landscape in the region.


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