President Alvi Grants 180-Day Remission to Elderly and Juvenile Prisoners on Independence Day


President Dr Arif Alvi has recently approved a special remission of 180 days for certain prisoners as a gesture of goodwill on the occasion of Independence Day in Pakistan. This remission will be granted to individuals who meet specific criteria.

The remission will apply to prisoners who have been sentenced to life imprisonment and meet the following conditions:

1. They must be above the age of 65 for males and 60 for females.
2. They must have completed at least one-third of their sentence in jail.

In addition, this remission will also benefit juvenile prisoners who are below the age of 18 and have served at least a third of their sentence in jail.

However, it is important to note that the remission will not be applicable to individuals who have been convicted of serious offenses such as espionage and anti-state activities, murder, rape, robbery and dacoity, kidnapping, terrorism, financial crimes, and causing losses to the national exchequer.

The President’s decision to grant this remission is based on Article 45 of the Constitution of Pakistan, which empowers the President to grant pardon, reprieve, and respite, as well as to remit, suspend, or commute any sentence passed by any court, tribunal, or other authority.

This compassionate act aims to provide relief to elderly and juvenile prisoners who have demonstrated good behavior during their incarceration and have already served a significant portion of their sentence. It aims to promote compassion, empathy, and the spirit of forgiveness in society.

President Alvi’s decision reflects the importance of considering the circumstances and needs of prisoners, especially those who are elderly or young, and allowing them an opportunity for rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

By granting this remission, President Alvi not only marks Independence Day but also highlights the values of understanding, forgiveness, and compassion, which are vital for the progress and development of Pakistan.


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