Poliomyelitis virus found in samples obtained from Karachi, Hyderabad, Multan, Quetta, and Faisalabad


Islamabad: The Ministry of National Health has stated that samples collected from five districts of the country have tested positive for poliovirus. Poliovirus has been found in samples from Karachi Kemari, Hyderabad, Multan, Quetta, and Faisalabad, and the virus found in these samples is genetically linked to the WPV3 strain that was eradicated from Pakistan in 2021, remained in Afghanistan, and crossed the border back into Pakistan in January 2023.

According to the National Polio Eradication Laboratory, two environmental samples from Karachi Kemari and sewage samples from Hyderabad, Multan, Quetta, and Faisalabad collected between the 4th and 5th of March have tested positive for poliovirus.

Federal Health Secretary Iftekhar Ali Shanwani emphasized that polio is an incurable disease that can leave children disabled for life. The only way to prevent this is to administer multiple doses of polio drops to children for protection.

He urged parents to cooperate with polio workers, administer polio vaccines to their children, and ensure that their children complete the course of protective vaccines to maintain strong defense against infections.

It is clear that Pakistan has conducted two national polio campaigns, administering polio drops to over 4.3 crore children under the age of five in January and over 4.5 crore children in February to protect them from polio.

Furthermore, over eight crore children will be vaccinated in 26 districts from March 25, and the campaign will continue in April as well. So far this year, two polio cases and 71 positive environmental samples have been reported in the country.

The Ministry of National Health has reported two polio cases and 71 positive environmental samples in the country this year. Polio is an incurable disease that can leave children disabled for life. It is important for parents to ensure that their children receive the polio vaccine along with completing the course of protective vaccines.


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