Palestinian Community in Chile Amplifies its Voice in Solidarity with Gaza – Global Perspective


Chile’s Palestinian community, the largest outside of the Middle East, is playing a significant role in the country’s criticism of Israel’s military action in Gaza. Chilean President Gabriel Boric, a moderate figure in the Latin American left, has recalled the country’s ambassador in Tel Aviv and accused Israel of violating international law. During a meeting with US President Joe Biden, Boric called Israel’s response to the conflict disproportionate and a violation of international humanitarian law. The Palestinian community in Chile, which has roots dating back to the late 19th century, has been actively protesting outside the presidential palace, organizing charity events, and advocating for a boycott of Israel. Many community members support severing diplomatic ties with Israel and are pressuring the Chilean government to push for a ceasefire. Chile’s Jewish community, although smaller in size, has rejected Boric’s decision to recall the ambassador, stating that it validates the actions of Hamas. The prominence of the Palestinian community in Chile has garnered support from other groups, including the indigenous Mapuche community. Despite fear of reprisal or being barred from reentry into the West Bank or Gaza, many Palestinians in Chile see the wider context of the conflict and emphasize the history of injustice suffered by Gaza. Numerous Latin American countries, including Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Colombia, have condemned Israel’s military action, with Bolivia going as far as severing diplomatic ties. Chile is among the 138 countries that recognize a Palestinian state.


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