Pakistan unable to lift travel restrictions imposed by Europe.


Islamabad: The decision to lift the travel restrictions imposed on Pakistan by Europe could not be made, as the European Air Safety Agency referred the matter to the TC Board.
According to sources, after the meeting of the European Air Safety Agency (EASA) Review Board scheduled for May 13, Pakistan’s name was removed from the blacklist. However, the final decision on the definitive resolution of the remaining restrictions on other operators, including the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), was referred to the TC Board for a third-country operator.
According to sources, the TC Board meeting will take place next week and a definitive decision on lifting or maintaining the ban on PIA will be made.
According to sources, officials from the Civil Aviation Authority will participate in the TC Board meeting. In this regard, the European Air Safety Agency has formally informed the Civil Aviation Authority.
According to sources in the Ministry of Aviation, the name of PIA is neither in the TC list nor in the list of banned airlines, as Pakistan’s name has been removed from the list of travel restriction countries after being referred to the TC Board.
According to sources in the Ministry of Aviation, the news of the restrictions being lifted is premature, and the final decision is expected next week.


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