New Study Finds Smartwatches Could Enhance Depression Treatment


According to a recent study, smartwatches can provide valuable information about depression symptoms, not just track steps and sleep patterns.

Wearable technology is becoming increasingly important in precision medicine, enabling clinicians to customize treatment plans for individual patients, explained Joshua Curtiss, Assistant Professor of applied psychology at Northeastern University, US.

Using data from patients at Massachusetts General Hospital who wore the Empatica E3 wristband to monitor various physiological indicators, the study found that changes in sleep patterns, physical activity levels, and social interactions can be indicative of depression symptoms.

Wearable technology such as smartwatches and smartphones can track these symptoms effectively, providing clinicians with additional insights to help tailor treatment plans for patients.

While data from wearable sensors is a useful tool, it should be combined with clinical judgement and patient input to get a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition, Curtiss emphasized.

By utilizing passive sensor data, clinicians can identify patterns that may indicate symptoms of depression, such as lack of physical activity or disrupted sleep patterns, and intervene accordingly.

Patient accounts remain essential in the diagnostic process, but wearable technology can provide additional objective data that may be overlooked or misrepresented by patients, Curtiss added.


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