Latin American nations denounce Ecuadorian attack on Mexican embassy |News


Countries in Latin America have come together to support Mexico after Ecuadorian security forces forcefully raided the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who was granted political asylum there. The incident, which took place late on Friday night, sparked strong reactions from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, with Nicaragua and Mexico cutting diplomatic ties with Ecuador.

Glas, who faces corruption charges, had sought asylum in the Mexican embassy in December and was arrested after Mexican authorities granted his request. The arrest was condemned by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as an authoritarian act and a violation of international law.

The seizure of Glas led to a diplomatic showdown between Ecuador and Mexico, with several countries calling for respect for international law and the right to asylum. The United States, United Nations, and the Organization of American States all urged both countries to resolve their differences peacefully.

Following the arrest, the Mexican embassy in Quito remained surrounded by police, and Mexican diplomatic personnel and their families were set to leave Ecuador on a commercial flight. In Mexico City, protesters voiced their anger at Ecuador’s actions, while Mexico’s top diplomat expressed shock at the violation of diplomatic norms.

Glas, who served as vice president under former President Rafael Correa, was released from prison in November after serving time for corruption related to the Odebrecht scandal. He faces further charges for alleged fund diversion after an earthquake in 2016, which he claims are politically motivated.

Correa, who is in exile in Belgium and also faces corruption charges, denounced Ecuador’s actions, stating that Glas was beaten during the arrest. The international community continues to monitor the situation and calls for a peaceful resolution of the dispute between Ecuador and Mexico.


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