Kenyan Journalist Expresses Concerns Over Delay in Investigation Findings


A Kenyan journalist has raised concerns about the delay in the release of the findings of a probe into the assassination of a fellow journalist. Nyaboga Kiage, a crime and investigative journalist, criticized the lack of transparency in the investigation and the failure to disclose the names of the accused Kenyan policemen.

In a recent statement, Kiage stated, “I haven’t received any information from Kenyan authorities regarding the suspension of the accused cops. The Kenyan authorities have kept complete secrecy around the names of the five accused officers.”

The journalist further revealed that the five police officers involved in the fatal shootout have returned to work, with two of them even receiving promotions to senior ranks.

Kenya’s Independent Policing and Oversight Authority (IPOA), responsible for investigating police officers’ conduct, had promised to provide an update on the murder case within weeks. However, it has been over nine months, and the findings have not been made public.

When questioned about the delay, the IPOA issued a statement saying, “We will provide an update on the matter once our investigations are complete.”

This delay and lack of transparency have sparked concerns among journalists and the public, raising questions about the independence and effectiveness of the investigation.

The assassination of Arshad Sharif, a journalist, is a tragic incident that deserves a thorough and timely investigation. The delay in releasing the probe findings and the secrecy surrounding the accused police officers raise doubts about the commitment to justice and accountability.

It is vital for the Kenyan authorities to address these concerns, provide transparency in the investigation, and ensure that those responsible for the assassination are held accountable. The protection of journalists and the upholding of press freedom are fundamental pillars of a democratic society.


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