Is the UN Security Council able to reach consensus on a ceasefire resolution for Gaza amidst Israel’s war on the region? | Gaza Conflict Update


Members of the United Nations Security Council have rejected a text put forward by the United States ahead of another vote regarding the need for a ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution, which included strong language not previously used by the Americans, was not supported by Russia, China, and Algeria. These countries opposed the text because it did not call for an immediate ceasefire and because it linked any halt in fighting to the release of all Israeli captives.

A new draft resolution is scheduled to be presented on Monday, with more forceful language. The question remains whether Council members can set aside their differences and political agendas to come to a consensus. Hosted by James Bays, this discussion will include Francis J. Riccardione, a former US ambassador with experience in Egypt and Turkey, Hussein Haridi, a former Egyptian assistant foreign minister and ambassador, and Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestine Legislative Council.


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