Is Artificial Intelligence Exacerbating Global Inequalities? | Tech News


Artificial intelligence (AI) was the hot topic at the recent Web Summit in Doha, Qatar, where entrepreneurs, investors, and business leaders gathered to discuss the capabilities of this groundbreaking technology. While excitement about AI’s potential was palpable, there were also concerns raised by experts about the impact these technologies could have on existing inequalities.

Ayo Tometi, co-creator of Black Lives Matter, pointed out that AI algorithms can perpetuate biases, especially in areas like predictive policing. These tools, she explained, can unfairly target people of color, exacerbating issues of racism within the criminal justice system.

Additionally, there is a worry among experts that AI technologies could widen the global digital divide, with some nations struggling to keep pace with AI development. Alaa Abdulaal, from the Digital Cooperation Organization in Saudi Arabia, stressed the importance of upskilling and creating opportunities for countries to become producers rather than consumers of AI.

Despite these challenges, there is widespread enthusiasm for AI’s potential worldwide. Frank Long from Goldman Sachs noted that the economic and geopolitical implications of AI are significant, sparking a race among nations to develop cutting-edge technologies. While some countries may lag behind in AI production, there is a sense of competition and collaboration at play in the global AI landscape.

Overall, the conversation at Web Summit highlighted both the promise and pitfalls of AI, underscoring the need for thoughtful consideration of how these technologies are developed and deployed.


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