Zokhawthar, Mizoram, India – Vanlalchaka, a 61-year-old resident of the northeastern Indian border village of Zokhawthar, has been feeling anxious in recent weeks. His farm has become a refuge for refugees escaping the civil war in neighbouring Myanmar since 2021, with five refugees currently living there. Vanlalchaka has been at the forefront of efforts to assist those arriving from across the border, as his village operates as one with the adjacent village in Chin state, Myanmar, transcending political borders that divide his ethnic tribe.
Vanlalchaka’s wife, BM Thangi, hails from Myanmar’s Chin state, and the couple, like their ancestors, do not recognize the political boundaries separating them from their relatives. However, the recent decision by the Indian government to end the free movement regime with Myanmar has cast a shadow over their way of life. The border closure and fencing threaten to separate families and disrupt essential trade and livelihoods that rely on cross-border interactions.
Mizoram, which is set to vote in the national election, hosts a significant number of refugees from Myanmar, with Zokhawthar being one of the villages providing shelter to those fleeing violence. The refugees, including Vanlalchaka’s relatives, face uncertain futures as the closure of the border limits their movement and access to medical treatment.
The Indian government’s decision has faced pushback from border communities and political leaders in states like Mizoram and Nagaland, who see the move as a threat to the age-old ties and cultural exchanges that have defined their existence. While security concerns drive India’s policy shift, experts warn of the potential for heightened discontent and violence in the region as a result of the border closure.
As the situation unfolds, the people of Zokhawthar and other border communities find themselves caught in the crossfire of political decisions that could have profound implications for their way of life. The closure of the border raises questions about the future of cross-border interactions, trade, and familial ties that have sustained these communities for generations.