On Wednesday night, a rare and enchanting celestial event, known as the “super blue Moon,” graced the skies, captivating people across different regions of the world. This extraordinary phenomenon is not expected to occur again for more than a decade, making it a once-in-a-decade cosmic spectacle.
Scientists have described this occurrence as a “super blue Moon.” Supermoons happen when the Moon reaches its perigee, which is the point in its elliptical orbit that is closest to Earth. During a supermoon, the Moon appears approximately 14% larger and shines a touch brighter than usual.
Contrary to its name, the super blue Moon is not actually blue. The term “blue Moon” simply refers to the phenomenon of having two full moons in a single month. This rare event happens because lunar cycles last around 29.5 days, slightly shorter than calendar months, which typically span 30 or 31 days. Hence, it is possible for a full moon to occur at the beginning of a month and another to appear near the end.
The previous super blue Moon took place in December 2009, and the next two are scheduled to follow in quick succession: one in January and another in March of 2037.
In various corners of the globe, people were treated to awe-inspiring views of the super blue Moon. Let’s take a look at some of the remarkable images captured during this spellbinding event:
– A super blue Moon rises above Mataram in Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia.
– The Super blue Moon majestically ascends behind the Marina Bay Sands observation deck in Singapore.
– The “Blue Supermoon” gently emerges over the skyline of Nicosia.
– A full moon, known as the “Blue Moon,” gracefully appears behind the Temple of Poseidon near Athens, Greece.
– The super blue moon casts a magical glow behind a ferris wheel at Stokes Hill Wharf in Darwin, Australia.
– The Super blue Moon once again graces the scene with its ethereal presence at the Marina Bay Sands observation deck in Singapore.
– The “Super Bluemoon” rises above Shiite Muslim pilgrims marching through the southern province of Diwaniyah, Iraq, on their way to participate in the Arbaeen religious festival in the central Iraqi shrine city of Karbala.
The world stood in awe as the super blue Moon illuminated the night sky, reminding us of the endless wonders that exist beyond our planet. This rare celestial event served as a reminder of the beauty and magnificence of the universe we inhabit.