Huthi rebels in Yemen pledge to continue targeting Israel with more attacks


Yemen’s Huthi rebels, who are backed by Iran, have declared that they will launch more attacks against Israel if Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza continues. The rebels claim to have already conducted three separate operations involving drones and ballistic missiles. The Huthis, through their military statement aired on Al-Masirah TV, stated that they will continue to carry out missile and drone strikes until Israel’s aggression ceases. In the latest operation on Tuesday, the rebels launched a significant number of ballistic missiles and armed aircraft towards Israel. These attacks come in response to Hamas militants’ attack on Israel, which is considered the worst in Israeli history. Israel’s military reported a hostile aircraft intrusion in their Red Sea resort of Eilat, but successfully intercepted a surface-to-surface missile using their Arrow aerial defense system. The Huthi government’s Prime Minister, Abdelaziz bin Habtour, affirmed that they are part of the resistance against Israel, along with other Tehran-backed groups in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. The rebels state that they are fighting with both words and drones, and emphasize the coordination and joint operations that take place with these groups. The Huthis took control of Yemen’s capital in 2014 and currently have control over significant parts of the country.


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