Health Ministry reports six children in Gaza hospitals dead due to malnutrition: Israel’s war on Gaza continues.


Six children have tragically lost their lives in northern Gaza due to dehydration and malnutrition, according to the Health Ministry. The dire humanitarian situation in the enclave is deteriorating rapidly, with hospitals struggling to provide adequate care. The closure of Kamal Adwan Hospital has worsened the crisis, with lack of fuel causing generators to stop working. International intervention is urgently needed to prevent further loss of life in Gaza.

The community is facing a moral test in light of the ongoing attacks in Gaza, with Hamas warning of a deepening health and humanitarian crisis. Recent aid deliveries have provided some relief, but more assistance is needed to address the widespread starvation and malnutrition affecting the population. Qatar and France have reaffirmed their support for the Palestinian people and called for the opening of all crossings to allow for the delivery of crucial supplies.

Medical organizations like Doctors Without Borders are struggling to provide adequate care to those in need, with the healthcare system on the brink of collapse. The situation in Gaza is dire, with displaced people facing unimaginable challenges. It is crucial for Israel to allow aid trucks to enter Gaza to address the urgent needs of the civilian population.


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