Electioneering: Sirajul Haq stresses on the importance of remaining impartial while learning lessons from the establishment


The judiciary and the Election Commission must also remain impartial, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami: Photo: Screen Grab La Hore: Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Siraj-ul-Haq has said that the establishment should remain impartial in the elections. In an interview with an American media organization, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq said that if the elections are not transparent, there will be more chaos and corruption in the country. There are still suspicions and doubts about the election. If the establishment and other state institutions remain impartial, then the election process will be successful. Siraj-ul-Haq further stated that in the 2018 elections, the establishment was fully involved in bringing a government, but the establishment should remain unbiased, learning from the past. The judiciary and the Election Commission must also remain impartial. Doing so is also better for the integrity of these institutions. He said that the establishment currently faces criticism due to the government it brought to power in 2018. The decision to join the government coalition or sit in the opposition will be made after the elections. Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Siraj-ul-Haq says that the establishment must remain impartial in the February 8 elections, learning from the past elections. In an interview with Voice of America, he said that if the elections are not transparent, there will be more chaos and corruption. According to Amir Jamaat-e-Islami, it seems that if many small and large parties come to the National Assembly as a result of the elections, in that situation, Jamaat-e-Islami will decide whether to sit in the government or opposition while observing the situation. Jamaat-e-Islami has fielded more than 700 candidates from all over the country, and it is the first time that so many candidates from the party are participating in the elections.


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