Caretaker Prime Minister Visits Jaranwala to Extend Support to Christians


Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar paid a visit to Jaranwala, expressing his solidarity with the Christian community. Punjab Governor Baligh-ur-Rehman, Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Naqvi, federal caretaker ministers, senior officials, and members of the Christian community were also present at the occasion.

During his visit, the caretaker PM distributed financial assistance to the affected families and assessed the progress of the renovation and rehabilitation work being done on damaged churches and other structures, which were targeted by miscreants.

In his address to the gathering, PM Anwaarul Haq Kakar assured all minority communities in the country that the government is fully committed to protecting their lives and properties. He emphasized that the perpetrators of heinous attacks against them will be brought to justice. As followers of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Founder of the nation, it is binding upon the government to respond to such atrocities, as mandated by the constitution, he added.

The caretaker PM emphasized that the government will never tolerate the persecution of minorities and anyone who causes harm to them will be dealt with according to the country’s laws. He assured that the government and society as a whole will stand united against the dark forces targeting minority communities, becoming their voice and providing meaningful support.

PM Kakar stated that actions will speak louder than words, reiterating the government’s commitment to protect the rights of minorities. He described the recent incident as indicative of a pervasive issue in society, characterized by extremism, radicalism, and aggressive behavior. The prime minister emphasized that such behavior does not belong to any religion, sect, or group but is rather a manifestation of innate human behavior that spreads like a cancerous disease.

Referring to Islamic history and the vision of Quaid, the prime minister highlighted the utmost responsibility of Muslims to protect the minorities. He stated that a society can thrive under the rule of law and achieve stability when justice prevails.

Expressing gratitude towards the upcoming Chief Justice of Pakistan, the caretaker chief minister, and the military leadership for their support to the victims, PM Kakar emphasized that there will be no compromise on the rights of minorities. He issued a warning to any miscreant or group harboring evil designs against minorities, stating that they will face the full force of the government’s authority.

The prime minister acknowledged the contributions of the Christian community in society and reflected on his early education imparted by Christian teachers. He stated that the harmonious unity of the country is enhanced by the beauty brought by minorities, represented by the color white in the national flag.

Assuring resistance against majoritarianism and similar agendas at domestic, regional, and global levels, the caretaker prime minister emphasized the need to curtail and prevent such incidents from recurring. The Governor of Punjab also stressed the importance of respecting places of worship and maintaining regard for all communities, adding that such incidents should not be allowed to happen again.

The chief minister of Punjab also expressed his commitment to restore the damaged churches and provide compensation to all affected families, stating that the main culprits involved are already in custody.


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