An unidentified man’s maimed body was discovered in the tigers’ cage at the ‘Shair Bagh’ local zoo in Bahawalpur under mysterious circumstances. It is believed that the tigers had consumed part of the body’s lower torso. The victim was wearing trousers and a shirt, and was found by a zoo employee. Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa and Rescue 1122 District Emergency Officer Baqir Hussain visited the scene, and an inquiry into the incident has been promised. The body was taken to Bahawal Victoria Hospital for a postmortem examination. The identity of the victim remains unknown, and the incident is under investigation. Punjab caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has called for a report on the incident and ordered a thorough inquiry, as well as a security audit of the zoo. A committee has been formed to investigate the matter and is required to provide an initial report within 24 hours and a detailed report within seven days.