Another Defeat for Israel


The decision of the International Court of Justice has posed extreme difficulties for the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Spain, Norway, and Ireland had dealt a major blow to Israel by recognizing Palestine as a free state, and Israel was still reeling from the decision by the Hague-based International Court of Justice to immediately halt military operations in the Palestinian territory of Rafah. According to media reports, the President of the International Court of Justice, Nawaf Salam, announced the decision on Friday. The Court of Justice had ordered Israel to immediately cease military operations in Rafah in response to a request from South Africa under the Genocide Convention. The fifteen-member panel of judges also have ties to Israel.
The International Court of Justice also ordered Israel’s government to refrain from any other actions similar to the one in Rafah. The court stated that Israel had failed to take immediate action to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza on March 28th, leading to a further deterioration of the situation in Gaza. The court ordered Israel to keep Rafah Crossing open.
The court directed Israel to submit a report within a month and instructed Israel to allow inspection of motor vehicles up to the Gaza Strip. South Africa had requested that action be taken before it was too late to stop Israel from committing genocide against Palestinians. The request also emphasized that the right to self-defense does not provide any country with the license to commit genocide.
The decision of the International Court of Justice has created extreme difficulties for the Netanyahu government. Netanyahu’s policies have been met with continuous failure. The international community has welcomed the Hague’s decision by the International Court of Justice.
Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has extended congratulations on the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding Israel and called for immediate action from the Security Council, the International Brotherhood, and the UN Commission of Inquiry to ensure immediate access in Gaza and Rafah. Prime Minister Sharif and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris also spoke over the phone.
The Prime Minister congratulated the Irish Prime Minister on assuming office and praised Ireland’s decision to recognize the Palestinian state, stating that Ireland’s decision will create pressure on other countries to make similar decisions.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed concern that the UN Security Council has not been successful in reducing human obligations in Gaza. Canada, Belgium, the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian representatives at the United Nations, and Jordan have welcomed the decision.
Senior Hamas leader Bassem Naim welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice but deemed it insufficient, demanding immediate enforcement of the court’s demands. Riyadh Mansour, a Palestinian representative at the United Nations, called on Israel to implement the decision. Israel has rejected the Court of Justice’s decision.
Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich said that no action can be taken on this decision. Stopping the war means erasing Israel from the map.
Israel is facing intense international pressure regarding Gaza and is struggling with continuous global isolation. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s foreign policy is failing miserably. While Spain, Norway, and Ireland’s decisions have prompted a strong reaction from the Israeli government, it also reflects a show of extreme frustration. Israeli Foreign Minister threatened Spain, Norway, and Ireland.
Israel has warned that after this decision, it will not remain silent and there will be further serious consequences. Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice in The Hague has also made a decision. This has further added to the frustration of the Israeli government. Israel relies on the support of the United States, Britain, and France. However, America, Britain, and France have not succeeded in pressuring other countries in the global scenario. America has stated that President Joe Biden believes that Palestine should not be unilaterally recognized as a state.
The White House also stated that President Joe Biden believes that there should be negotiations between the two sides for Palestine to be recognized as a state, as President Biden has been strong supporters of dual-state solution throughout his career. America’s response indicates that President Biden is also concerned about Israel’s support in the strong influential Jewish lobby in America and wants to maintain his country’s global influence.
Israel’s government is not favoring any country’s interests over its own. Despite the decisions of various international agreements, the Red Cross, and the International Court of Justice, Israel is not willing to open Rafah Crossing. The World Food Program of the United Nations has cautioned that until Israel ensures the safety of humanitarian aid workers, a new American project of $320 million to provide aid in Gaza may fail.
The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros, states that saving the lives of Gaza residents has become practically impossible. Israel’s obstructing medical aid in Gaza, where nearly 700 severely ill patients are stranded, can be estimated as not just a shortfall but could also be characterized as cruelty. The conditions in Gaza and surrounding Palestinian areas could be assumed dire with Israel’s obstructions.
Israel’s defiance is not due to its own strength or power but due to the support of America, Britain, and France. Israel also presents itself as a proponent of a dual-state solution. Many countries have previously recognized areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority as a state. If Ireland, Norway, and Spain have recognized Palestine as a state, there is no need to exaggerate the consequences of this decision.
America’s response has also supported dual-state solutions, but it also suggests that negotiations with Israel should decide the matter. America and its supportive countries play a key role in granting Israel the power of defiance. However, preventing the establishment of a free and independent Palestinian state for a long time is now impossible.


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