گھر فوٹاج: واٹر بورڈ کنڈیٹ میں گر کر 8 سالہ بچی گم


In Karachi, an 8-year-old girl fell into the water tank near the Ghaghar Phatak and has not been rescued yet. According to details, Taj Mohammad, also known as Tajoo Kalmeti Baloch, was filling water in the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board’s tanker near Saaboo Kalmeti Baloch Goth when his 8-year-old innocent daughter fell while trying to drink water.
Upon receiving the information, the police and other rescue teams reached the scene and started the search operation for the girl. According to the police, the search operation is facing severe difficulties due to the overflowing water in the tank.
Former Union Councilor Ghaghar Mohammed Akram Kalmeti Baloch said that the employees of the Water Board have closed off the water flow in the tank, and it may take up to 48 hours for the water level to decrease enough for the rescue operation to start. Meanwhile, government rescue teams have not yet arrived at the scene.


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