پاکستان شامل ہے خوش ترین اور بعضی نہ بعضی بھارت مکمل کی ترین ممالک کی فہرست میں


The list of the happiest countries of the United Nations was released on International Day of Happiness.

According to the World Happiness Report, Finland has once again been ranked as the happiest country among the 143 countries listed. Denmark and Iceland have maintained their second and third positions successfully.

The list of happiest and unhappiest countries is released on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness, with factors such as per capita income, freedom, generosity, quality of life, and corruption taken into account.

Among the top 10 happiest countries are Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Australia. The United States dropped to the 23rd position for the first time.

Pakistan maintained its rank at 108, while India was at 126. Indian citizens were proven to be less happy than Pakistanis. Afghanistan and then Lebanon rank at the bottom of the list.

This year, a separate list was also compiled based on age groups of countries. Lithuania ranked first for happiness among individuals under 30 years of age. Pakistan ranked 107, India at 127, and Bangladesh at 128.

Similarly, Denmark ranked first among individuals aged 60 or older, with Pakistan ranking 112, India at 121, and Bangladesh at 120.

The bottom 20 countries on the list of 143 countries are considered the unhappiest countries in the world, with Afghanistan at the top. Unhappy countries include Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and India.


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