وزیراعظم شہباز شریف نے اعلٰی سطحی جلسے میں سی پیک کی داخلہ پر تبصرہ کیا


Shahbaz Sharif, while speaking to Chinese media, described the Pak-China relationship as pivotal and stated that CPEC is entering a new phase. In an interview with representatives from the China Media Group, he emphasized that the Belt and Road Initiative President Xi Jinping is a magnificent project that reflects the idea that progress and prosperity are not possible in the world without peace. He said that CPEC is part of the Belt and Road Initiative, which has led to immense development in Pakistan and projects that are directly linked to Pakistan’s economic progress.

Shahbaz Sharif mentioned that Pakistan has been blessed with a significant treasure in the form of Thar coal, which can produce cheaper electricity compared to oil. By utilizing this, not only can cheap electricity be generated, but billions of dollars can also be saved in revenue. He expressed gratitude to President Xi Jinping for the deep-rooted efforts in the CPEC project, which has led to massive investments in Pakistan and now CPEC is entering a new phase, where the B2B aspect will be crucial.

The Prime Minister also expressed his desire to learn from China’s agriculture experience and stated that agreements will be made with Chinese companies in the agricultural sector. He expressed optimism that the Chinese leadership will support us wholeheartedly.


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