ن لیگ کا آخری حکومت، پی پی اور پی ٹی آئی ختم ہوجائیں گے، فیصل واؤڈا


Former federal minister Faisal Vawda said that everyone should have enjoyed democracy. The guardians of the constitution, the watchmen, and the gatekeepers also had a passion for democracy under the constitution and the law. You have enjoyed the expired leaders. The nation has told you where you are standing and what your fate is.
While speaking on a private TV channel, he said that you keep accusing the (N) league of having the crown of thorns on their head. The crown of thorns is not on their heads, it is on their chair, and it is said that sit on it, a jerk has also come and a scream has also come out, this is the actual situation. Everyone has secured their decision democratically.
He said that he opens a new episode every day but feels that within six to seven days, a mixed government will be formed within eight days. Politically and democratically, these are deadlines. There are also locks due to circumstances and events. They will form a government, enjoy the power, pinch and suppress the power.
Faisal Vawda said that the head and entire fingers of the People’s Party are also in trouble. The position of the Chief Minister of Balochistan will be very interesting. Our friend Bugti Bai was leading, the other is also our friend. But today Zahri Sahib is one step ahead. He takes one step ahead after an hour, and the other step ahead after another hour. But so far it appears that Zahri Sahib is one step ahead.
The former federal minister said that all my friends are friends, Jam Kamal is also a friend. Where the Kingmakers are free, they are also there, I won’t call it blackmailing, it’s good politics. They have defeated the titled, thorny people (N) leage. Now there should be a short term, MQM in Punjab. If (N) leage run this title. This is the last power of (N) leage. MQM will be successful in Punjab. They will agree with every division, it will go on a little, then sit down. This is the future of (N) leage.
Faisal Vawda said that (N) leage has gone in the first phase of power race. Then PTI is There. Then there is PPP. These three parties are in these three phases. (N) leage has gone in the first phase of power race. The second phase is theirs. The third phase is of PTI. PTI is also trying to make on chance. They are are saying that we will build here and there. Their numbers are exhausted. They are not in any democratic system. The politics of making and breaking cannot run. Their fake dreams, Ayee Lo You, Ayee Lo You cannot run. Their Roti, Kapra, Makan, cannot run. This politics cannot run in Pakistan.
In response to a question, he said that if my thought is not met by Ranjha Sahib, it does not mean that I pick up a stick, pick up a stone and start fighting. Sitting means sitting democratically. The most important and serious issue going on is that we have to pay 20 billion dollars, nobody has any plan for it. There is no IMF restructuring plan. The prices of electricity are increasing, they have already imposed them on the previous government, the price of petrol is increasing. The dollar will go out of hand. Poverty will increase, it’s not scary but tell the truth.
He said that his problem is that what are all the thinking, a new formula will start thinking that we will take the provinces. If the federal government sits, then she will sit. Then we will notify. We will continue to run the provinces.
A condition may also be that the PM and PTI got together. They got Punjab, they got Balochistan and Sindh. We will hold provinces. If the federal government falls on any stage. We will send a notification, we will send it to court. Somewhere, the fault in the constitution and the law will emerge. It will continue to run even without a head. We have seen this system in Pakistan, it will continue to run.


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