نااہل حکومتیں زمانے کی روایت، فیصل واوڈا


If we cannot talk to the government of Form 47, then we cannot ignore the government of Form 45, the dialogue
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Islamabad: Independent Senator Faisal Vawda said that corruption has happened before, corruption is routine. The corruption you are talking about today also happened in 2018, so we have not seen anything new in it.
The Judicial Commission will continue to be formed here. The commission, the commission operates here, is formed and also goes into the pockets of people. The decisions of the other commissions have not been seen so far, so this is the government, there is nothing beyond it, in a private TV interview he said that IMF will have to eat chhola. We’ll eat roasted ones.
Will they eat burnt ones or chhola with coal inside? They will have to eat. The place you have to cross is a very difficult place, useless governments were there before, useless government is still there today, the nation has to rectify the old mistakes, they agree on the fact that man makes plans, but what happens is what Allah wants.
We had many projects too, if we talk about the scandals of Form 47 today, then talk about the scandals of 2018, talk about the scandals of 2013, then balance there too. Talk about the 2008 elections, then it will not be like you are selected, when you lost, or you were defeated, or you won and were made to win. When people were sitting in planes and we were saying that acceptance is there, we used to give them food, water, and sherbet.
We used to give them coats, ties as well, I am sitting in the pot of those chhola and they are chickpeas. They still have many chhola, some are raw, some are ripe. But they have also seen a lot of chhola like me. Regarding negotiations, in response to a question, Faisal Vawda said that we will have to go a little back in this regard.
First, Kamr Bajwa was very bad for PTI. He made the whole game. Then he told the same Kamr Bajwa, take an extension. We trust you so much that you conduct the election. Then this diet went bad, then the recommendation to talk to this diet did not have to come because it was bad. Good and bad cannot happen on time. Take a stance, those who are talking about dialogue, political parties are prepared for it. They say that we will not talk to the government of Form 47. So we cannot ignore the government of Form 45.
These are the people you have to talk to. The government is still the same in time, you made mistakes, May 9 happened, there should be punishment in it, until you do not end the confrontation, nothing will happen, it ruined the democracy, it ruined the country, it ruined Imran Khan’s policy, the demands of the people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Malakand, the protesters sitting outside the Balochistan Assembly, and the demands of the people of Malakand, on a question regarding negotiations, Faisal Wada said that long ago it was said that a new agreement will be made with the IMF, difficulties will increase, when difficulties increase, people will be in trouble.
The government did not make any plan parallel to this, the common man has to go through pain, you are telling people to live a life of 40 thousand rupees, people’s dissatisfaction with politicians is because they know that they are hypocrites, talk to the PPP, because they are the only party that took both central and ministerial from the government, are smart people, they will only credit the PPP.
Is a good tradition being established by separating party and government positions, he said that the head of Sunni Ittehad Council is Hameed Raza. What is his presence? What is the benefit of party presidency? If the President of the Noon League Nawaz Sharif becomes, then what is the benefit, he is also the President of the party, they are also going to become the president of such a party, then what is the difference. You should not even ask this question.


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